A crash course in social media crisis management
Or - when a porn star stole my twitter handle and this is what I learned!
When I was young, I was a geek (in fact, I guess I still am) who grew up in a rural small town in Sweden. I played video games and spent a considerable amount of time online, dialling up through a 56 Kbps modem to connect with the world. During that time it was awesome to have nicks to hang around chat-rooms and upload sketches to deviant art. I had a new nickname almost every year. So when I got myself a twitter handle, I conjured up a nick name as a handle. If I would join twitter today, I would use my real name as I now have a different focus then back in te days ;)10 ways to grow your email marketing list
A resource for where you can collect email addresses and consent to fill your email marketing database with relevant people to talk to. If you have brick and mortar store, you can start collecting email addresses there, however, simply don’t just
7 tips on how to improve your Instagram
Instagram has changed a lot since it first launched. In the beginning it was all about the arty-indie images and the heavy use of filters. Then it has progressed beyond that and almost no instagram-superstar uses heavy filterers and frames anymore and everyone is aiming for pro-photo quality, attention to detail and elaborative storytelling.
I've gathered 5 creative instagram accounts that I think uses the strenghts of instagram brilliantly. And a few notes on what they have in common, in the end - which you can take with you and learn from.
Book review: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk
It's refreshing with finding a book with this perspective of social media where the focus is on that you are on the playground of the consumer, i.e their space, their terms and your job as a marketeer is to find out what creates a REAL connection with your audience, and how to build a real community around what you are doing.
I picked up Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook after seeing an episode of Marie TV where Marie Forleo interviews the author in question. As I liked what he had to say, I had to pick up a copy of his new book. Fortunately for me it was an instant buy from iBooks. (I love iBooks and the Newsstand, instant satisfaction guaranteed!)