About when I got thrown out from Facebook and the future of social platforms
I got thrown out from Facebook once. The reason was that I thought that it would be a great idea to have a Facebook profile for the retail company that I worked for at the time. The purpose would be
Free Business and Marketing Resources
The purpose of this website is to share my experience and knowledge. To teach and to help. It’s my way to giving back to the magical world of the internet that has thought me so much. This rich, creative space
My thoughts on Vero
Facebook is becoming more and more sophisticated in creating a world, a bubble if you may with your latest interactions. Thus disconnecting me from my friends. As I only see the ones I interact with. Which means that the very purpose of staying up to date and in touch with my friends all over the world, is not possible anymore since I’m served with content from my last interactions, groups and what not.
I hardly enter Facebook anymore. I do have the messenger app, since instead of texting a lot of my friends use the app instead.
5 things to think about when working with influencers
Working with influencers and influencer marketing has grown exponentially throughout the last few years. It's becoming big business and one of the reasons are because millennials are more likely to buy from a Youtuber, using/endorsing a product then a celebrity or mega-star.
Working with influencers, setting a scope for the partnership, expectations and defining the work is one way to approach this, so you are both are on the same page, as you are entering a business relationship with each other.
But before you get down to just business, get clear on your KPI's for the partnership and work, so you know how you can evaluate the activities and content the influencer and/or you create together.
As I work on the other side of this, receiving quite a few queries from companies for my vegan recipe lifestyle website, large and small, I have put together this list as I think it's helpful when initiating a new partnership within this field.