Book review: All marketers are liars by Seth Godin
Marketers freaked out (and I use that term carefully) when the television-industrial complex came crumbling down. They panicked because they had been living and thriving under the illusion that marketing = advertising, and when advertising stopped working, they had no idea what to do. - Seth Godin - from the book - All marketers are Liars.
Book review: #girlboss by sophia amoruso
Book review: Thrive by Arianna Huffington
This book made it's rounds last summer and was mentioned almost everywhere. I found the book to be a quick read, and one with much weight. As what Arianna is saying in the book are no news, however, that she says it makes it more powerful and it's a much needed book. As Arianna is a thought leader and a leader in her field, she has the power to make an impact with her words and change the industry.
Book review: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk
It's refreshing with finding a book with this perspective of social media where the focus is on that you are on the playground of the consumer, i.e their space, their terms and your job as a marketeer is to find out what creates a REAL connection with your audience, and how to build a real community around what you are doing.
I picked up Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook after seeing an episode of Marie TV where Marie Forleo interviews the author in question. As I liked what he had to say, I had to pick up a copy of his new book. Fortunately for me it was an instant buy from iBooks. (I love iBooks and the Newsstand, instant satisfaction guaranteed!)