Why one size marketing does not fit all
There's no one size fits all approach to marketing in several countries - at least not yet. Of course there are in some cases cultural similarities between for example the nordic countries, however that's where it ends, similarities are not the same as equally "the same".
That's why, when you work with global marketing management, you need a framework, and an approach that is flexible enough to adapt the brand, marketing and communication to each country you have or aim to have a presence in.
And here is a short list of some key points that you need to consider, when it comes to local adaptions and why they are necessary.
How to calculate potential ROI for a media investment
This is my calculation which I use when I want to see if there is a business case behind a media investment for my clients or my own marketing initiatives. There are so much information available today, and from that you can manually calculate predictions and potentials before you choose to invest in a specific media, channel or campaign. Armed with the right specific, relevant numbers for your business and some industry averages you can create a hypothesis for the potential for an investment if you are unsure, or just want to make a calculation in terms how you should re-distribute your media budgets and what the potential could be. Marketing today, merges business savviness and analytical skills. There is just a question of time (I guess there already is someone out there who has turned this into a formula, if not, that someone could make some nice bit of cash on a software for this, collecting data from advertisers, merged with some kind of ad score to calculate predictions based on data available).
Pilot campaigns – global brands -several markets
I've written a few articles on the global marketing subject before, this article includes a bit of repetition however it's aimed at a company with a prescense in 4 or more countries, that want to start out with digital marketing activities but feel unsure of where to start and where to invest and how to prioritize a large batch of markets.
These are my key take aways from helping global brands who has never done any digital marketing activities to more experiences brands, this advice is suitable for both B2B and B2C to manage global marketing activities.
Global marketing management – how to be in control
Managing a global online presence from one location, usually a head office, requires some co-ordination and communication skills. Not to mention the challenge of keeping a brand consistent in potentially 196 locations, which all have their local behaviour, technology maturity and other aspects that sets countries and regions apart from each other. Here are a few tried and tested ideas for making global marketing management a little less challenging and much more effective: