Why one size marketing does not fit all
There's no one size fits all approach to marketing in several countries - at least not yet. Of course there are in some cases cultural similarities between for example the nordic countries, however that's where it ends, similarities are not the same as equally "the same".
That's why, when you work with global marketing management, you need a framework, and an approach that is flexible enough to adapt the brand, marketing and communication to each country you have or aim to have a presence in.
And here is a short list of some key points that you need to consider, when it comes to local adaptions and why they are necessary.
Digital transformation – Tools and methods
Time is money. And today there are many tools available which can automise a plethora of tedious manual labour. Especially in terms of reporting. Do that. Because chances are that you have some great and brilliant staff, that you can
Digital transformation – Look at how your business is organised and at your company culture
There is a reason agile methods have catched on. Time is scarce today and everyone seem to be in need for more of it as digital evolve. Even large corporations with plenty of staff have the same need for increased
Digital transformation – educate and empower your staff
If you are going to do things differently but with the same staff you need to educate them to expect a different result and ensure a different way of working. If you never educate the staff along your digital transformation