How to start working with data to increase sales
A cornerstone in your marketing activities is to work with the data you have. You don't need to be a senior web analyst or a data scientist to do this. Today a Marketing Manager or CMO need to have the knowledge about key metrics and the competence to harness the power of data to transform it into ROI action for the business they market and work for.
Larger companies have already started working with more advanced techniques, such as Machine Learning, predictive analysis and so forth and every company, no matter how large or small, will have to improve the way and also increase the understanding of data, to be part of the future. Being data driven is now a competitive advantage and in the very near future it will be standard procedure for being able to stay within the competition for a customers attention or will to purchase.
Here is a simple framework that anyone can master that will help you start working with data, to turn it into insight and action. Without being complicated.
Digital marketing strategy
This is my 10 minute digital marketing strategy template. It's designed with questions to take you from your current situation to evaluation of the activities you choose to do. This is a very swift, not that in dept process, which purpose is to get you started.
If you are managing more then one market, simply add a section to cater for that. Of course its also available as a download (word) which you can get from the document s & templates section.
Note that this version requires you to already have done your homework in terms of your brand, it's role in digital (tone of voice, how to communicate with copy, images etc, story, values and so on) as well as product and offering.
Programmatic brief
This is my brief documentation that collects all the necessary information to run a programmatic campaign. Use the template below or download a word template that you can customize yourself.
10 ways to grow your email marketing list
A resource for where you can collect email addresses and consent to fill your email marketing database with relevant people to talk to. If you have brick and mortar store, you can start collecting email addresses there, however, simply don’t just