7 tips on how to improve your Instagram
Instagram has changed a lot since it first launched. In the beginning it was all about the arty-indie images and the heavy use of filters. Then it has progressed beyond that and almost no instagram-superstar uses heavy filterers and frames anymore and everyone is aiming for pro-photo quality, attention to detail and elaborative storytelling.
I've gathered 5 creative instagram accounts that I think uses the strenghts of instagram brilliantly. And a few notes on what they have in common, in the end - which you can take with you and learn from.
How to make a clear and visual time plan
Every project plan need a clear, visual time plan. This helps both you, the team and client to better understand the project and helps everyone feel more in control since it makes it visually clear on what needs to be
How to create a kick-ass project plan in 7 easy steps
Planning is half the job done and if you have a project proposal which is approved by the client, it's even easier. Just re-use the information from your proposal, and use what is relevant for your team based on the 7 points below. If you start from scratch, these are the bare minimum of information required to use as a clear and helpful steering document while working with your project.
How to write a project proposal: the details to include
As the forth part in the article series on project management - I've listed the most common points to include when writing a project proposal. The first part covered some general advice - this piece focus on the details. Bare in mind that sometimes less or more are required, depending on the complexity of your assignment, how many companies that are involved in creating the work for your customer and the size of the actual project scope - i.e the work in it's entirety that you are doing.