How to start working with data to increase sales
A cornerstone in your marketing activities is to work with the data you have. You don't need to be a senior web analyst or a data scientist to do this. Today a Marketing Manager or CMO need to have the knowledge about key metrics and the competence to harness the power of data to transform it into ROI action for the business they market and work for.
Larger companies have already started working with more advanced techniques, such as Machine Learning, predictive analysis and so forth and every company, no matter how large or small, will have to improve the way and also increase the understanding of data, to be part of the future. Being data driven is now a competitive advantage and in the very near future it will be standard procedure for being able to stay within the competition for a customers attention or will to purchase.
Here is a simple framework that anyone can master that will help you start working with data, to turn it into insight and action. Without being complicated.
How to optimise your business online presence or service (manuscript)
If you are looking to improve your online presence, either it be through a website re-design or just to refine and improve your service experience and offering online, this is a manuscript you can use to help you in the process. Feel free to subtract, add and refine :)
Overarching questions & material
- Information about your customer journey
- Path to purchase
- Internal purchase process - what internal touch points do you have for a sale to go through? who are involved?
- How and when do you communicate with your customer during their purchase process? who does it? (department and responsibility)
- Who are your biggest competitors? and how do your company differentiate from them?
A beginners guide to web analytics, online business and website performance review
This article is for anyone taking the first step to understand how website analytics can be helpful for your company to improve sales or leads though actively working with your website. It's a list of initial and very simple questions you can use to evaluate performance and get insight for what actions you need to take in order to improve conversions and engagement.
The purpose of this article is to help someone who is an absolute beginner to connect the dots between analytics data and your website.
The key to data driven decisions
In today’s data driven world there is new data to gather insights from every minute of the day every day, from multiple locations, from multiple devices in various contexts about your customer, campaign performance and sales.
A monthly or weekly report for data is now obsolete, since the information you are viewing is not necessary relevant anymore and the information is already outdated when the PDF-reports start to hit your inbox.
And by the time you had the opportunity to get a gather all the relevant reports from all your relevant sources, the information is probably not relevant and in most cases only targeted to your marketing department within your organization.
To solve this challenge there are a plethora of new tools available to build a dashboard to vizualise the data in real time. Som simple apps you can download to your iPhone other more complex where you can add TV spot info and view in relation to visitor flow on your website.