Marketing advice during COVID-19
We are all navigating strange times at the moment at the best of our abilities.
During these times I’ve noticed signs of a stronger sense of community, the rise of altruism, creativity and the sense of contribution or the want to contribute towards something bigger outside oneself. That we are all in this together and with that many want to help out and do their part.
I hope these values and initiatives will continue to thrive and develop further once the world is on the other side of Corona.
I pondered what I could contribute with and with strong coffee and a couple of early mornings and late evenings I came to the conclusion that I can help to answer two questions for CMO’s and/or CEO’s.
How do you even market to a new audience and serve your existing customers during such a challenging situation? And should you?
My answer is yes to that. With tact, etiquette and the right approach, you can actually find new possibilities during this time.
And the second question that I asked myself was if I had limited budgets available. What would I do? And what is crucial right now? So I could market my business and follow-up on each penny spent?
With that in mind, I identified a few relevant focus areas with actions I would take right now if I was a CMO or CEO to:
- Get in control of marketing investments
- Find new possibilities for audience expansion
- Save time and ensure time is spent on only doing high impact activities and less administration
- Ensure effective impact of the performed marketing activities
- Ensure relevant, engaging and tactful communication
- Serve existing customers and community with value during these times
- Step up and act upon core brand values
This I compiled into a PDF and you can just follow this link to download my advice and conclusions with concrete actions for each focus area. (no email required)