Learn more about communication and marketing for mobile devices

How to find more information on mobile devices & visitors – a resource guide to upgrading your website

Learn more about communication and marketing for mobile devices
A resource guide to where to find the information on what you need to know when considering upgrading your website and digital assets to reach further then just desktop devices. This is my go to list for information. I hope you find it useful.

checklist_yellow  Ourmobileplanet
Get to know the mobile adaption and penetration in your country or region, compare data year on year to predict trends in your region. Thus the needs you require to cater for, in terms of information availability on your website, marketing activities, technology, and user habits etc.

checklist_yellow  How to go mobile
Review and experience your current website through a mobile device, this will help you with ideas when transforming your website to an adaptive or responsive solution.


checklist_yellow  Google Keyword Tool
A great way to look up the potential increase of visitors from mobile devices alone. Just choose mobile devices only when you enter your credentials into the form.


checklist_yellow  Google mobile ads
Learn more about how to create mobile campaigns and advertisement and how secure your brand perception on mobile devices.


checklist_yellow  Get to know your website visitors/customers
Investigate your Google Analytics account (or other web analytics software you use). Look at the user statistics under Audience – Mobile – Overview. You will get an overview of the total amount of visitors during your specified period of time and how many accessed your website from a desktop versus mobile device – during that time period.
Compare with the amount of desktop visitors – then it’s up to you to make a decision if you think this is enough to justify a rebuild of your website – or that you don’t need a adaptive/responsive upgrade of your website.


checklist_yellow  A note on adaptive versus responsive webdesign

Adaptive means that you decide on a set of sizes for your images and content and which size the website should display depending on the screensize of the device, i.e you have three sets of the same image that are presented depending if its a desktop, an iPad or an iPhone visiting your website.


Responsive is more fluid, you design without a set width and height, your canvas, in this case your website has no borders, and you re-arrange and re-scale content accordingly to devices depending on a set of variables you decide on.