Why you should invest in expanding your knowledge through Skillshare
I've been eyeing out Skillshare for a while. I've been longingly browsing the classes, dreaming about the possibilities but not had the time to really dedicate to really get my teeth into a subject. A class in particular that I've been interested in for a while is the Modern Marketing Workshop with Seth Godin.
Last week I finally got some time and the opportunity to sign-up and start my first class. I bought a one of class for $20 and it turned out to be the most well invested time and money I've spent in a long time on educational material. In this post I want to tell you why.
A view from WebCoast 2014
WebCoast is an annual event for people who love and/or work with the internet. The fabulous thing about WebCoast is that it's an unconference, meaning it's created by the people who attend the event. That makes it really special.
Unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to attend the entire three day event. However I was lucky enough to be able to attend a couple of hours on the Friday afternoon and the majority of the Saturday. These are my key takeaways from the sessions I attended on Saturday, as well why I think WebCoast and the whole unconference concept is such a great idea.
TEDxGöteborg: I laughed, I cried & cringed
IMAGE: TEDxGoteborg Teacup in hand, I'm sitting here, in my sofa, wrapped up in a blanket, trying to make sense of my thoughts and emotions after TEDxGöteborg. The day was a wild roller-coaster of emotions, unexpected twists and inspiration. I've seen live
How to be a superstar project manager – part 1 – working with your superstar team
I have a perhaps unorthodox view of what good project management is - and hence - something worth writing about. This "How to be a superstar project manager"post is divided in to two parts. Part 1 will focus on the