Digital transformation – Look at how your business is organised and at your company culture
There is a reason agile methods have catched on. Time is scarce today and everyone seem to be in need for more of it as digital evolve. Even large corporations with plenty of staff have the same need for increased
Digital transformation – educate and empower your staff
If you are going to do things differently but with the same staff you need to educate them to expect a different result and ensure a different way of working. If you never educate the staff along your digital transformation
How to measure brand awareness
To know how your brand is doing in terms of getting more or less know. Or the initiative you are working on, there are a few quick ways to find out without involving an agency or undergoing a big research project.
View these methods as a preview of if your brand are increasing or decreasing in awareness. A first step in an investigation that will give you an indication in terms of what to do next.