Insight sources for your business to help you navigate COVID 19
Right now we are in a context when though decisions may have to be made perhaps even several times every day. That may scare us, as we face so much uncertainty. I’m following the initiative from Global Web Index to stay
Modern marketing rule No 10: Increased focus on customer retention
If your business relies heavily on acquiring new customers to survive and not is a newly started business something is terribly amiss. Not only is this a costly and fragile setup to rely heavily on new customer acquisitions, but it’s also
Modern marketing rule No9: Rethink the marketing mix
Being customer-centric put new demands on your marketing and communication. We live in an attention economy where everyone is fighting for a very precious resource from potential customers, attention. A useful tool to navigate this new challenge is personas and
Modern marketing rule No8: Curate immediate actionable insights for your team
Your strategy should answer why you are doing a specific activity, towards whom, and what the definition of success is. You should always have one primary KPI to evaluate everything your company does in terms of marketing. No matter if