How to create a results driven media plan
Media plans are not just a planning tool for big media agencies outlining marketing investment and activities. They are useful for anyone managing marketing activities to keep track of investments. Usually a media plan reflects the investments necessary in each type of media in relation to your communication and marketing plan for the year.
This article focuses solely on digital media and I want to add another layer to the media plan which is return of investment (ROI) and helps you set-up your own media plan by yourself.
7 tips on how to improve your Instagram
Instagram has changed a lot since it first launched. In the beginning it was all about the arty-indie images and the heavy use of filters. Then it has progressed beyond that and almost no instagram-superstar uses heavy filterers and frames anymore and everyone is aiming for pro-photo quality, attention to detail and elaborative storytelling.
I've gathered 5 creative instagram accounts that I think uses the strenghts of instagram brilliantly. And a few notes on what they have in common, in the end - which you can take with you and learn from.
4 must read business magazines
How to market your App
So you've just created your first mobile application and you are eager to get it out to the world. As I've worked with both marketing my own app and leading app development projects for big brand like Volvo Cars. I