Part 1: 9 tips on how to build better client relationships
One of the best things with my job as a consultant is the people I get to work with. Not only the colleagues that I've had through the years that I'm immensely proud over to have got the opportunity work
12 questions to help you create your agency client strategy & vision
When working for larger digital agencies one of the frist things you get to learn as a Account Director or Project Manager is their client strategy and vision. Without having this anchored in the organization, it's challenging to actually take the business in the right direction. Everyone at the agency needs to work towards the same goal. Working in departments where client conversation and new business is part of every day life, then this is an essential part of the work.
Every agency should have a clear definition of whom their ideal clients are as well as a client strategy that should mirror the long term agency vision and goals. No matter the size. Because growing with the right type of clients, is what is going to help you move your business forward when you work in the agency service sphere.
When your agency is ready, perhaps it has grown, you have started to hire more people, taken on longer client collaborations or more in your experience, suitable clients that fit your agency. It's definitely time to think over the future focus for your business development of obtaining more clients.
Here are 12 questions to help you before you create a client strategy and vision moving forward:
Project summary & account overview reports
If you work on larger client accounts with several stakeholders and manage several projects and/or larger team, it's helpful to supply your client with an regular overview of the activities and status of each. This can be done on a weekly
How to get the most out of your agency relationships: teamwork & collaboration
This is the second part of my "how to get most out of your agency relationships" series. You find part one over here. This instalment focuses on teamwork, collaboration and touches base on methods of way of working.