Book review: All marketers are liars by Seth Godin
Marketers freaked out (and I use that term carefully) when the television-industrial complex came crumbling down. They panicked because they had been living and thriving under the illusion that marketing = advertising, and when advertising stopped working, they had no idea what to do.
–Ā Seth Godin – from the book – All marketers are Liars.
I have a pile of Seth Godin books that I found on Amazon (since his books are not really available in Swedish bookshops). I’ve readĀ his blogĀ and I took his Modern Marketing Workshop on Skillshare a couple of years back. I like what he has to say and how he says it.
What further ads to the charm is that the books I have by him are from the used books section on Amazon. I like to think I do my share for the environment by buying books occasionally from that section while shopping on Amazon. As well as when the books arrive, they are sometimes notes, thoughts written in the corners and in some cases covered in both post-it notes, plastic and handwritten insights from someone on the other side of the atlantic.
If you are not familiar with Seth Godin he is the founder of Squidoo and writes about marketing, leadership and how ideas spread in this new era we live in.
Who is it for:
- For anyone working with marketing
- For anyone not working in marketing who wants to become better att communicating your idea, find people and get poeple to listen to it
- Relevant for both B2B and B2C as we work with telling stories to humans
- For anyone who needs a fresh perspective on their marketing efforts, if something isn’t working quite so well
- Or how to make your marketing even better
Why should you read this book:
- Get a framework for improving your stories around your brand and product
- Get the “full-picture” of your marketing efforts and understand how your story should be the read thread that keeps it together but also help amplify your message
- Learn how to refine and frame your story to get your customers attentionĀ in a noisy world
- Find and talk to your target audience based on their world views
- Examples from the real world which helps illustrate the points made in the book
- Understand how marketing has evolved (I would say for the better)
- Use the power of authenticity in a low trust world
- Understand the power of a good story
- Understand what you need to do to in order to change your marketing strategy and tactics from a communications perspective