TEDxGöteborg: I laughed, I cried & cringed
IMAGE: TEDxGoteborg Teacup in hand, I'm sitting here, in my sofa, wrapped up in a blanket, trying to make sense of my thoughts and emotions after TEDxGöteborg. The day was a wild roller-coaster of emotions, unexpected twists and inspiration. I've seen live
How to be a superstar project manager – part 1 – working with your superstar team
I have a perhaps unorthodox view of what good project management is - and hence - something worth writing about. This "How to be a superstar project manager"post is divided in to two parts. Part 1 will focus on the
Googles mobile playbook
I dig this! Google released an inspirational, mobile marketing and statistics insight "site" the other day - called The Mobile Playbook. Even though the statistics are mainly generated from the US, it's a relevant and inspirational read for anyone gearing
How to create your online marketing strategy: the list
Defining your goals, making lists and planning makes - well - at least my life so much easier. Therefore I'm sharing another handy list with you. When planning your online marketing activities, this is what your solid strategy document can/should/may