veronica stenberg blog


As the forth part in the article series on project management - I've listed the most common points to include when writing a project proposal. The first part covered some general advice - this piece focus on the details. Bare in mind that sometimes less or more are required, depending on the complexity of your assignment, how many companies that are involved in creating the work for your customer and the size of the actual project scope - i.e the work in it's entirety that you are doing.

Your project proposal is the foundation for the agreement between you and your customer - you want your customer to be fully aware of the details and understand your process and why it benefits the project in question.  The project proposal is also the foundation for your project plan. Once you've done this, the majority of the work for your project plan to use within your company is already done.

This post is written for anyone who wants to start project operations from scratch and focusses on four basic pillars that is helpful to have in place before you start taking on work, i.g projects. This article is particularly useful for anyone within the digital service and delivery area (Design, copy, web, software, marketing etc). If you haven't seen my post on my philosophy on project management, it can be a good start, before heading further in on my project management series, so you get a better understanding of the perspective I'm sharing from.