veronica stenberg blog


brand awareness To know how your brand is doing in terms of getting more or less know. Or the initiative you are working on, there are a few quick ways to find out without involving an agency or undergoing a big research project. View these methods as a preview of if your brand are increasing or decreasing in awareness. A first step in an investigation that will give you an indication in terms of what to do next.

email-marketing-database-crm-relevant A customer database is like a garden. You need to look after it in order to make the right flowers grow and you need to take time to get to know the flowers in your garden, so you can nurture them and look after them with attentive care. What you also need to do is to remove the weed to make sure you have more space for your flowers to grow. The same logic applies to a customer database that you use for communication in some way. B2C and B2B have many similarities but also a few things that sets them apart. For example your B2B database may have the additional challenge of people switching jobs and thus also switching email addresses. Do you continuously work in weeding these out? That said, this article focuses on the similarities that are applicable on both.