The best free co-working places in London
Being able to work remotely is one of the aspects that I enjoy with my career. Apart from staying at hotels that offer a business lounge, or jump around various cosy cafés. I highly enjoy spending a day in an inspiring
How to make emails work for your customer
Key takeaways from my morning from DotLive with DotDigital, MovableInk and Colart on the 12th February 2020: Data Use what you have to enrich the content and design to drive engagement. Get creative. Such as personalised user statistics for gamification features to
Uncover the power of human interactions – the benefits of speech analytics for your business
Every day I try to feed my brain something new either it be a podcast, article, book or video. That offer ups new perspectives or knowledge that I can ponder and hopefully contribute towards me becoming better at what I
Modern marketing rule No 10: Increased focus on customer retention
If your business relies heavily on acquiring new customers to survive and not is a newly started business something is terribly amiss. Not only is this a costly and fragile setup to rely heavily on new customer acquisitions, but it’s also