What is GDPR and how it effects your business
The updated GDPR legislation from the EU is just around the corner, and it unites marketing, IT and legal departments across the EU. Sine I myself work with data, marketing and communication, I've been keen to educate myself on tis topic
The benefits of open customer journey mapping
I’ve previously written about creating a framework for marketing around a very basic customer journey containing four phases - see, think do and care which is a very basic but very useful in terms of planning marketing and communication focusing on the path to purchase.
Open customer journeys on the other hand, are a more in depth look at specific customer segments actual journey pre and post purchase.
My september link list
As you have probably already noticed I read a lot of books (not only on the topic of business, the occasional graphic novel also enters my to-read-pile). I therefore decided that I'm going to add some of the articles that
3 key insights for Youtube and how to use them
Youtube has become such a huge an important platform to be on. Here are three insights from Think With Google with a note on how to use these insights, in your own work with modern marketing. Comment: Youtube is not just