A week in my life as a Modern Marketing Consultant
This week someone asked me an interesting question about how an ordinary week in my life looks. She said she would love to be a fly on the wall and observe what I do.
It’s a fun question and I used to chronicle my weeks on LinkedIn when I just started on this path being an independent Marketing Consultant full time. I thought it would be fun to document this week’s progress and go back to it in a year or more to reflect.
As I have my own company, I never have a dull day, since they always look different. Looking at it from the perspective of a week, it’s always a diverse experience.
I make sure I own my week
When possible, I start my week with an intense exercise class, either a Barry’s Bootcamp class or a long run. That way I feel I own the new week already. Even though exercise may be unrelated to work, it’s a foundation which I start my days and build upon. Before I head into the office. The benefits for our brains, body and biochemistry are too great to ignore. My work is demanding and I need to maintain a high energy level throughout the day.
Work-wise, this is what I did this particular week;
- I went deep and did some detective work, to find documents so I could hit the ground running at a new contract that started just after my summer holiday. This particular assignment requires that I get up to speed and deliver at the same time.
- I caught up with someone that I’d like to get to know and work with. I think she could be a perfect addition to the Nimble & Co freelancer network and the CoLabs. For me, it’s also about attitude, energy on top of skills and experience.
- I spend one day a week at the lovely offices of a company I work with. I’m grateful that this assignment is challenging since it’s very complex, it’s so much fun as my brain is trying to solve the most interesting puzzle. It’s a dream assignment as I get to solve interesting challenging, problems with impressively competent, talented and very kind people. I get an immense boost of energy from this and I’m intrigued.
If you are curious what I actually “do” as in deliver, this week looked like this;
- A first draft, for a suggestion of a measurement plan for focus areas and initiatives.
- Manuscript for a questionnaire to evaluate a community of practice, built the form and launched it into the community.
- A disposition for an upcoming workshop (always sketch it out before I create any supporting materials, slides and workbooks) for the client to review.
- Adjusted slides and reviewed supporting material that will be printed for an upcoming strategic workshop on AI and marketing next week.
- Performed final touches on slides for an upcoming talk in October, where I am hired to speak about the power of AI in modern marketing.
- Adjusted Canva templates with an updated “look and feel” for a client’s LinkedIn presence.
- Set up a structure for a new project I will be kicking off in two weeks that pertains to defining a communication strategy and overarching communication concepts for a new client and collaboration that I’m super excited about.
- Research to prepare for an advisory meeting next week.
- I carved out the time to go to an event for the council, where consultants and clients within their business growth program (where I am one of the consultants) get to meet up for a meet and greet. We get updates about the economic growth in the area, from employment to this specific area’s contribution to Sweden’s overall GDP.
To be on top of my game as a knowledge-worker
As I am a “knowledge worker”, I help other people and companies become successful by helping them reach their goals. I need to keep on top of new developments and expand my knowledge and my mind with new perspectives. These are my three core actions to achieve that;
- Every week I aim to experiment with AI, this week I tried out Microsoft Co-pilot to add more perspectives and inspiration to something I was working on.
- I read one or more morning and evening books. The morning is for something I want to learn or study, which can be everything from philosophy and spirituality to organisational psychology. The evenings are a treat, then I pick up fiction books or an interesting biography for someone I admire.
- I spend approximately 8-10 hours, using net extra time (Tony Robbins life hack) when I walk between my office and my flat, do chores around my home, cook food or draw. Some of that becomes content for the monthly newsletter (Konsulten Tipsar) focusing on modern marketing news. The majority is for inspiration and to feed my curiosity.
In closing
To be capable of solving interesting, complex problems you need to have a high amount of energy and be very disciplined with your time, energy and focus. You also have to have absolute clarity of where you are going. My day-to-day work demands that I swift contexts, verticals and perspectives quite a lot, which demands that I have a flexible mind, focus and high energy.