Speaking Engagements


  • The power of video for social media, Stark Film (inspirational lecture before internal workshop on the subject)
  • How to build an attractive website that sells, for start-ups, Business Region Göteborg
  • How to craft an authentic personal brand and how to use LinkedIn, HON (Her Online Network)




  • Bespoke speaking engagement at Kompetens+, Business development program, Business Region Göteborg
  • IG Live discussion and answer questions, series (x3), Entreprenörden




  • Customer-focused campaign strategy, Star Republic by SQLI Academy





  • How to work with digital marketing for companies within the tourism industry, Härryda Kommun
  • Q&A on stage at Google Sweden during Google Elevator Graduation Day, Stockholm
  • Digital Strategy and marketing, Business planning for growth companies (Affärsplanering för tillväxtföretag) Handelshögskolan Göteborg





  • Digital Selling, West Swedens Chamber of commerce (Västsvenska Handelskammaren) Gothenburg
  • How to build brand awareness with limited resources – audience rating 4,2 (of 5), Business Region Göteborg




  • Facebook for beginners – possibilities on Facebook for advertising and customer relationships, Market Broker, Gothenburg, Sweden