6 things you can do to help someone find a new job
In the midst of the current situation navigating both worldly unrest and a global pandemic where people have lost jobs and loved ones. We can all help and pitch in to make the world a better place, not just keeping distance and wearing a face mask (and please vote carefully and use your vote). For all the people who lost their jobs – we can all help and support them towards finding a new position and meaning in this weird time.
With Linkedin being one option where you can easily support other people – two of the tips are literally effortless and can be done in less than a second.
Even the smallest gesture can have a big impact on someone. We all have more power than we think (in my opinion).
1: Like and share posts that are done on Linkedin and other social platforms of people looking for a new job or have braved it and started their own companies.
2: Endorse skills of people of whom you have worked with on Linkedin.
3: Recommend people you know and have worked with to any positions you may hear about within your network. Both on Linkedin and IRL. Just comment with the persons name if you see a post on Linkedin that you think may be a good fit for the request.
4: Pass on any tips of open positions to people you know are looking for a job that you think may be of a great fit for it.
5: If you work at a company and have the mandate and need to hire but can’t hire fulltime – look for options to take on someone on hours or part-time on a temporary basis.
6: Most importantly take the time to ask what their biggest challenge is and ask how you can help someone who is looking for a new opportunity after being made redundant.