3 key insights for Youtube and how to use them
Youtube has become such a huge an important platform to be on. Here are three insights from Think With Google with a note on how to use these insights, in your own work with modern marketing. Comment: Youtube is not just
5 possibilities with youtube for your brand
Youtube is now the second largest search engine in the world and it's home to a wealth of information about any topic, and equally as much content in the forms of vlogs documenting the modern humans lifestyle, trends and struggles. How
Nytt perspektiv?
Vill du ha ett nytt perspektiv pÄ de utmaningar som din verksamhet stÄr inför nÀr det gÀller er digitala nÀrvaro? Eller vill du fÄ en ny infallsvinkel pÄ hur du kan anvÀnda de digitala möjligheterna för att uppnÄ din verksamhets
Why one size marketing does not fit all
There's no one size fits all approach to marketing in several countries - at least not yet. Of course there are in some cases cultural similarities between for example the nordic countries, however that's where it ends, similarities are not the same as equally "the same".
That's why, when you work with global marketing management, you need a framework, and an approach that is flexible enough to adapt the brand, marketing and communication to each country you have or aim to have a presence in.
And here is a short list of some key points that you need to consider, when it comes to local adaptions and why they are necessary.