veronica stenberg - modern marketing consultant

Hi, I’m Veronica,

I have the most fun job in the world!  I help the clients I work for and with to become more successful, generate greater impact and have more fun along the way.
My speciality is to help my clients find solutions to their modern marketing challenges, reach their goals faster and make the path forward to achieving their vision both tangible and measurable.   My skills have evolved continuously with the digital landscape and I have changed roles and responsibilities over the years. I’ve worked within many verticals and know how to utilise digital marketing for various businesses to reach goals, gather insights, work more effectively and craft better customer experiences.  

Welcome to explore 

This website was created to give you access to some of my knowledge, templates, documents, worksheets, and other things that I’ve created to help and serve others. To make your work both easier and more effective. My hope is that you find something of value, and if you do, please share it and pass it on.

This is also a place where you can get to know me and my curious mind a bit more. Where I explore my thoughts and let my mind run freely on topics from strategy, business development, and customer experiences to leadership.


I hope you enjoy spending time exploring this website, as much as I enjoy crafting the content that is here, please don’t be a stranger – do get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.


Hold a bigger vision of what is possible & craft a life you love


how to create a marketing strategy svart vit

Business & Marketing books
Thoughts from the blog
I write articles, guest post and such occasionally

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